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Kneeling Leda and the Swan

Image Information

  • Leonardo Da Vinci
  • 1505
  • Renaissance
  • Western Art
  • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
  • Mythology
  • Ink
  • 1032666
  • This image is provided with worldwide copyrights.

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Size Centimeters Pixels Inches File size Price
Small 10.72 x 12.39 cm 1,266 x 1,463 px 4.22 x 4.88 inches 4.15MB 27.79 $
Medium 16.08 x 18.59 cm 1,899 x 2,195 px 6.33 x 7.32 inches 6.22MB 62.53 $
Large 21.44 x 24.78 cm 2,532 x 2,927 px 8.44 x 9.76 inches 8.29MB 111.17 $
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